

约翰·梅尔尼克神父,特别助理警长, 62, passed away on Sunday, January 15, 2023. He served as a Donnelly faculty member and as vice president of spirituality and mission from 2009-2020. 在唐纳利的11年里,Fr. 约翰通过校园事工项目影响了无数的学生, 神学课程, assisting with daily Mass and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). He also provided friendship and counsel to all faculty and staff including the president and board of directors.  

学生和教职员工都记得Fr. 约翰’s lively class discussions and his habit of wandering through the hallways singing hymns and showtunes. 尽管Fr. 约翰 retired before Donnelly’s current academic building was opened in the summer of 2020, he contributed initial design ideas to what is now the Blessed Seelos Chapel.

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If you would like to contribute a remembrance of Father 约翰, please email marketing@唐纳利.edu 将被添加到这篇博客文章.

Monsignor Stuart Swetland, 总统: Fr. 约翰 was first and foremost a priest who radiated the presence of Jesus to all those he served. He also was a faithful Augustinian who valued the example and teaching of St. 奥古斯丁和圣. 莫妮卡. I saw this in his devotion to prayer, community, and the Augustinian saints. 他立志寻求上帝, 追求真理, 以及以基督为中心的深度和实质的内心生活. 我过去和现在都很自豪地称他为朋友. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. 

学院院长Lisa Stoothoff: 我对父亲最美好的回忆. 约翰是在我们参加在华盛顿特区举行的“为生命游行”时.C. and were escorted into the Trump Hotel by the FBI, even though it was closed to the public. Fr. 约翰 delighted in the simple pleasures of life and his voice will always be heard singing in the halls. 他只是对生活有一种无与伦比的快乐. 

Ana Maradiaga,文科和理科主任: 约翰神父总是面带微笑. 当我听到他从走廊走下来的声音时,我的日子就变得愉快起来, 他前面有悠扬的吟唱. 他在唐纳利是个很受欢迎的人. You could always count on him to lift your spirits with a smile and cheerful greeting. 

生物学助理教授Joe Multhauf: 约翰神父对他遇到的每一个人都有深远的影响. 他给每个人灌输一种和平和友谊的感觉. 他喜欢天主教传统,也喜欢他的狗“嚼劲”. He had an extensive pen collection and encouraged everyone to write with a fountain pen. 谢谢你的友谊,神父. 约翰! 

迭戈·帕扬14、16届: I started college the same year that Father 约翰 started working for Donnelly. 我记得我当时很害怕,心想:“牧师在这里做什么?” He would walk down the hallway singing Gregorian chants, with a contagious joy. Little did I know that this priest was going to be a crucial figure in my conversion. Laying down the foundations for my return to the faith, he became a spiritual father to me. 他可以在天上永远的喜乐中欢呼歌唱赞美吗. 

07年、13年的乔纳森·威斯布鲁克: 从神学到优雅的钢笔, Father 约翰 embodied the spirit of Donnelly and "making the love of God tangible in our world". May all those who came under his tutelage carry his spirit of love, charity, compassion and grace. 约翰神父是天父赐给我们的礼物.   

罗杰·伯格,2015年,2017年 我和很多人一样,在神学课上遇到了约翰神父. I remember being surprised that he always kept a bible, the Talmud, and a Qur'an in his bag. 当我询问时, 他说,为了全面发展, 人们需要看到和理解这个谜题的多个方面. 他欢迎所有的信仰. He even held a brief debate in class with one of the students that was an atheist. 他说:“作为一个无神论者,我真的很钦佩你, for it takes much more faith than I have to believe in absolutely nothing.“他不粉饰事实,也不让学生蒙混过关. He gave what was to be the hardest assignment I had in my undergrad studies. He required our class to summarize the bible in one to three paragraphs.

If I had to summarize my friend Father 约翰, he was a man of great faith. 他渴望学习,热爱教学. He had a knack for languages and an impressive collection of fountain pens. He was not ashamed to walk the hallways belting tunes during class time and was never afraid to tell you what he thought. We spent many evenings chatting via text or Facebook about anything and everything (time I miss very much) and was my "johnny on the spot" for any Latin translations. He was a great teacher, friend, and unapologetically firm in his faith. 我会非常想念他的. 

Angelica Perez 18岁: 约翰神父是一位出色的牧师,也是一位朋友. 在唐纳利的两年里, he helped me immensely in planning and getting help and getting students to attend March for Life. 他也和马丁修士一起帮助我的属灵生活. 我记得有一次, Father 约翰 told me I would be an outstanding Mother Superior if I were called to religious life. He was extremely diverse; I could talk to him about my prayer life one minute, 下一个, 我们会谈论钢笔. No matter what we talked about, those conversations bring great memory and joy to my heart. 关于他,我还有很多话要说. 他很了不起! 

Yessenia (Silva-Leos) Lopez ' 12: Thank you for this opportunity of being able to write about Father 约翰. I remember him as a happy person that would like to sing in the halls. You could hear him coming down the hall singing a melody and talking to him was always a joy. I always found enthusiasm when talking to him about his fountain pen collection. 他似乎每天都有不同的想法. 约翰神父是一个非凡的人,也是一个很有个性的人.  

伊万·梅德拉诺' 10 ',' 13: I think the memory that sticks out for me is, one time during class he had me try on his smock. I don’t fully remember why we did that but I know there’s a picture floating around out there. 他是一个非常友好和热情的人,我非常想念他.  

Carmelita Bahamonde ' 13: 我对约翰神父有很多美好的回忆, but my absolute favorite is of him dancing down the hallways with his radio and being so happy. He helped me work through some stuff in my life and was a good shoulder to cry on when things got rough. He motivated me to be better and helped me work through some faith questions. He was passionate about teaching his students and made us all laugh with his quirks. 在D.C. I remember wanting him to be the priest at my wedding if I ever got married, I knew his jokes would make people laugh and he would be a hit with everyone. I'm very sad he's left this earth, but his enthusiasm and jokes live in many of our memories. 我很想念他.